Today, La Pedrera is a cultural center managed by the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation. Come here to admire the architecture: there are few single straight walls or right-angled corners in the ...
A self-driving mini bus has hit the streets of a popular Spanish destination and will allow residents and tourists to travels ...
Al ‘Què t’hi Jugues!’ parlem amb Raffaele Poli, director del Centre Internacional d'Estudis de l’Esport (CIES), sobre les canteres del Barça i del Benfica, considerades les dues millor del món | Caden ...
El consell nacional haurà de validar dissabte el conveni entre les dues formacions, que es prorroga cada dos anys ...
Contemporary hotel 1 block away from Gaudi's La Pedrera and 10 minutes walk from Placa de Catalunya, close to major attractions. Another hotel in the growing H10 portfolio, this property sits a ...