Calzones and wedgies are two popular non ... dare we say genius -- element of a wedgie is the substitution of pizza crust for bread. According to local lore, the wedgie came about because pizzeria ...
Seal the edges using your fingers or a fork. Place the calzones on baking paper and carefully transfer to the preheated baking tray or pizza stone. Cook for 15–20 minutes, or until the dough is ...
Make your own dough for this folded pizza recipe. Simon Rimmer serves it ... and pinch the edges to seal the four parcels. Place the calzones onto the preheated baking sheet and transfer to ...
The Pepperoni P'Zone will be part of the pizza chain's $5 line-up. 17 years after they first debuted, “P’Zone” calzones are returning to Pizza Hut restaurants nationwide—just in time for ...