Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav visited Mathura’s Gokul on Thursday, offering prayers at the Brahmand Ghat and the Yamuna River. During his visit, he paid his respects at the ashram of Sant ...
Despite chilling temperatures, devotees gathered at Ayodhya's Saryu Ghat for the evening 'aarti'. The sacred ritual involved ...
Evening 'aarti' was conducted at Saryu Ghat in Ayodhya amid cold conditions that continue to prevail in North India. Devotees thronged to Saryu Ghat to witness the chanting of hymns and the lighting ...
Priests performed the evening 'aarti', a sacred ritual dedicated to the holy river Saryu. The 'aarti' typically takes place at sunset, where a group of priests gather at the riverbank to offer prayers ...
Lucknow/Ayodhya, Authorities in Ayodhya are preparing for an influx of devotees during January and February, as many people visiting the Maha Kumbh-2025 in Prayagraj are also likely to come to the ...
A luxury bus fell off a bridge in Maharashtra's Akola district due to brake failure. Several people were injured. Low water levels in the river averted a major tragedy.