Last month, many stores put signs in their egg cases to explain that as of Jan. 1, most eggs sold in Michigan had to be from ...
H5N1 bird flu has resurged in Michigan, affecting poultry, cattle, and various wild animals across the state. The virus ...
You, like most Michiganders, are likely incensed over the cost of eggs. $4.59 for a dozen at my local Kroger store — and that ...
Shoppers in some parts of the country are already paying more than double the average price, or worse, finding empty shelves ...
Before Jerry Neyer was elected to the Michigan House of Representatives in 2022, he spent more than 20 years on the Isabella ...
Lori Lomoro from Blandford Nature Center says there's no need to panic. However, those who have backyard chicken coops or ...
The latest data from the CDC and USDA show the continued devastating effects of bird flu outbreaks across the United States – ...